タグ: events

​. ​Dr Mariama Kaba (University of Lausanne)”Migration and Epidemics: When the Swiss public health system faces populations on the move during the 20th century”​

New entry, competition, and the international beef trade during the first era of globalisation: An Analysis of Beef Prices in the UK, 1896-1813. Yuya AIKAWA (Kobe University, PhD student)Agglomeration with the Declining Marshallian Agglomeration Economies: An Inquiry into the Postwar Development of the Nada Sake Brewing District in Japan​

場所:キャンパスポート大阪ルームA〒530-0001大阪市北区梅田1-2-2-400大阪駅前第2ビル4階 講師:AmirhosseinHosseinipour(GraduateSchoolofEconomics,OsakaUniversity 論題:「OptimalBusinessHoursoftheNewsvendorProblemforRetailers」 講師:YuHayakawa(SchoolofInternationalLiberalStudies,WasedaUniversity) 論題:「Multi-componentSystemswithDependentFailures:Construction,InferenceandSimulation」